Are you looking for a way to pay down your credit card debt, but don’t know how to go about doing so? A balance transfer could help you pay down your debt and save you some cash in the process. Read on to find out how a balance transfer works and how it could help you.
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You’ve probably heard the terms credit and credit score before, but do you know how these two things affect you and your financial life? To begin, credit is borrowed money that you can use to purchase goods or services that you must pay back in the future. A credit score is a three-digit number between 300 and 850 that is designed to reflect the likelihood you will pay your bills on time.
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A credit score is a three-digit number, typically between 300 and 850, designed to reflect the likelihood you will pay your bills on time. Credit scores are calculated using information from your credit reports, which contain your payment history, if you have any debt, and the length of your credit history. So how do you maintain a good credit score once you have started building one?
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Do you feel like you’re drowning in credit card debt? You try to pay off the rising balances little by little, but they just keep piling on. You are not alone! Americans have roughly $1.08 trillion in revolving debt, which includes credit card debt.
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We’ll bet that when you were a kid nobody ever told you what a credit score was, let alone how much of an impact it would have on your future. Your credit score decides how favorable you will appear to lenders and whether you will receive a low interest rate on a loan, or even if you’ll get approved for the loan. But maybe right now your credit score isn’t as good as it could be and you want a higher score. Here are 5 easy ways to improve your credit score.
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You’re probably aware that paying bills late and maxing out credit cards can bring your credit score down. But sometimes we don’t know the not-so-obvious actions that can lower our credit scores.
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